my daily abs routine
If you know, I am a dancer, so I try to strengthen my body as much as possible. One of the most important set of muscles to strengthen every day, are your abdominals. Even if you are not a dancer, this can still be beneficial. Now, let's start this work out!
You should always start off with a short warm-up routine. If you want me to post mine, just let me know. ;)
- Pulse Crunches 20x
Lay flat on your back, clasp your hands in front of your body, and pulse. Try to keep your back flat on the ground, or else the exercise won't work. Also, keep your neck up, with your eyes looking at the ceiling, and keep your chin off of your neck.
- Broken Down 30 Second Plank:
15 seconds regular
15 seconds rock side to side
The point of this is to keep your back flat, and not to keep your bottom sticking up. Try to keep a straight line from shoulders to hip, and hip to ankles. If you have to, start off on your knees. I had to for the first few times doing it, but after about a week, I was able to do it.
- Leg Lifts 10x
Again, try your best to keep your back flat on the ground. With this one though, it's okay if your back is slightly off of the ground, but try not to make it a very bad habit.
- Russian Twists 30x
This exercise is for your sides, or oblique muscles. If you don't feel the burn in your sides, try twisting a little bit more. Always try to keep your face and hands aligned while twisting. Start off with your feet on the ground, and when you're feeling stronger, try letting your feet hover.
- Modified Flutter Kicks 60x
This exercise is almost the same as the first one, but keep your legs up doing a flutter kick-type of movement, and don't pulse. Just hold your upper body up. I noticed this exercise works better, if you keep your feet pointed.
Routine Accomplished!
Remember, if you are not yet strong enough to do as many repetitions as I do, don't panic! Simply modify this to your own body. Same way vice versa. If you feel you don't feel the burn as well, change up to more repetitions! Do your thing!
This is the perfect workout to do for when you are busy, ( like all of us during the school year ) and you're just in your room by yourself. Instead of watching videos or pinning stuff on Pinterest ( ahem... Like what I do all. the. time. ;) ) just exercise. Your body will thank you.
Lots of Love ( LOL ),
Josephine Frances
What, my dear friend, is a flutter kick? (Stupid question I know)
No, it's not a dumb question! ;P I was not exactly clear on what it was.
DeleteIn the picture, you can see my feet kind of crossed over the other foot. When you do a flutter kick, it's keeping your legs straight as possible, and crossing one leg over the other as fast as you can, and also trying to keep your legs tight together. Lindsey showed me a version of doing it, but I changed it up a bit.
I hope that kind of makes sense... If it doesn't, let me know. :)
Nope! That helped, thanks!!!