excuse my absence

My sister is extremely... Weird. The schedule officially took over my life. Between dance two days a week to keeping ( well, attempting ) A's in school. My plate is full, with some new thing to keep track of everyday. And the weird thing is that I enjoy it. And in spite of this craziness, I find light in my alone time. Thinking up ideas for dance choreography, exercising, and writing a good story. Nothing can really beat it. Okay, scratch that. I did audition for Fiddler on the Roof with WRHS homeschoolers. That was absolutely terrible, but awesome. Let me explain... Okay, I had auditioned, for a leading role. But hey, I'm really young compared to my older friends. There is no way I'm getting any leading role, I'll just try it for the experience and for fun. Well, later on, it turns out that I got... Tzeitel. And if you don't know, that is one of the biggest roles. Wait, wait, wait... You're telling me, that I got that part, and there are so many ...