excuse my absence

My sister is extremely... Weird.

The schedule officially took over my life. Between dance two days a week to keeping ( well, attempting ) A's in school. My plate is full, with some new thing to keep track of everyday. And the weird thing is that I enjoy it.

And in spite of this craziness, I find light in my alone time. Thinking up ideas for dance choreography, exercising, and writing a good story. Nothing can really beat it.

Okay, scratch that. I did audition for Fiddler on the Roof with WRHS homeschoolers. That was absolutely terrible, but awesome. Let me explain... Okay, I had auditioned, for a leading role. But hey, I'm really young compared to my older friends. There is no way I'm getting any leading role, I'll just try it for the experience and for fun. Well, later on, it turns out that I got...

Tzeitel. And if you don't know, that is one of the biggest roles.

Wait, wait, wait... You're telling me, that I got that part, and there are so many girls older than me that should have gotten it? Really directors? Okay, don't get me wrong. I'm extremely thankful for it. I'm literally jumping up and down.  Just it doesn't make sense to me, in my head. But whatever, that is just one turn of events.

Now back to the post. Many other, probably a little more interesting, events came about since I last posted. Let's start in order of date.

September 29
I got my ears pierced.
Yay!!! Jumping for joy. For those of you who are wanting to get it done, but are too afraid, it really wasn't all that bad. At least, where I had it done. It just felt like a pinch, and hurt a very little bit afterwards, but then, nothing else.

September 30
Homecoming Parade
Okay, not that big of a deal, but my sisters and I walked in the parade, representing our dance studio.

Unknown date... Sometime in early October.
I dolled up my youngest sister. She is so beautiful and cute, I mean, how could I resist?

Midst of October
First time ever that I made pecan pie. Oh. My. Word... Tasted amazing! I am so glad that it didn't burn or something. It turned out great.

October 28
Grandma's Christmas Village
Yes. Winter is coming up soonish, and we decided to put out my grandma's Christmas village with her. The tiny figurines are so adorable, and I can't wait to go back there tomorrow to finish putting up the rest of the village.

Alright you all. That is about it for now. Of course, I've had many other things going on in life, but this is just a little bit of a recap. Let's just hope that I will start posting a little more regularly, and not once every two months.

Talk to you all later!

Lots of Love,
Josephine Frances


  1. I really liked reading this post. When bloggers just post about random stuff that they did or that happened to them, that's always the most interesting and fun stuff to read. I missed your posts so much!!! And I know how you feel about life being crae crae busy....Although it sounds like you cope with it way better than I do (I drink way too much coffee to make up for loss of sleep and I cry over my UNENDING pile of homework). It is sometimes a plus, being that I'm almost never bored out of my wits, but most of the time I feel like I'm going to explode. You know what I mean?? lol

    Also, when I read the cast list I was like, "OHMYCHEESECAKE JOSEPHINE!!!!!!!!!!" .....I'm really excited and I CANNOT wait to see you rock Tzeitel. The musical on the whole is going to be pretty fun to watch, also considering Grace is playing Fruma-Sarah. It's gonna be great. XD

    Hadassah looks amazing; she was one of my favorite people to makeover during the musical. She's such a good patient (not the right word at all...but I'm pretty sure you get what I failed to say. ;)

    Where did you go to get your ears done, btw?

    Anyway, keep on rocking the blog, stay sane, and.... DON'T DIE. That's my advice for busy peeps. ;)


    1. Thank you so much Emma! It makes me happy to think someone enjoys what I write on here. :) Yes, I do know what you mean about being busy. I mean, even today I had to go to Marie's house for about 3 or 4 hours to go over dance stuff.

      Lol. I'm really excited for Grace to rock that part. It's going to be awesome! I hope that we do amazing, so that it can be MORE fun for you to watch! :D

      I know... Hadassah is a good "patient," because she IS patient. ;P And she is so gorgeous too... Sometimes I am a tiny bit jealous because she is so pretty... But hey, she's my sister, and I'm glad she is the way she is. :)

      I got my ears done at the Salon 2140 LLC in Shawano. They did a really good job, but they didn't have a big selection on earrings, which was fine. :)

      ~Josephine Frances

  2. Oh my gosh Josephine!!! Congrats on your role for Fiddler :D:D:D She's one of the daughters, right???
    Awww! And you're so beautiful with your ears pierced. I know, it really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be either. And I had mine done twice! ;P
    It sounds like you've been having a lot of fun and business going on!!! I'm really NOT writing on my "new" blog either... sewing, working, music, etc. keeps me going CRAZY.

    1. Thank you, Hannah! :) Yes, Tzeitel is the oldest daughter. :D

      Aw, thanks! I know, it wasn't that bad. Just a little sore for about two days after it got done.

      Yeah... This time of year is always busy. I think for everybody. But we should make time for our blogs... I really like seeing your creative ideas on yours! :D

      ~Josephine Frances

    2. That's so exciting!! I now just went on the website and saw the whole cast list. It should be fun :D

      Yeah... :/ I know I should make time for my blog too. But I guess it's not one of my top priorities right now. It's more of a "just-for-fun" sort of thing. BUT! As soon as I finish sewing my new ball gown, I'll put a post up ;) Hopefully. But thank you! I enjoy your blog too.

  3. Love the new post! I wish I could read your awesome posts everyday!

    1. Thanks, Lydia! I'll try to get another post up as soon as possible. :)

      ~Josephine Frances


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