i am stumped...

Hello again! I know that I haven't been keeping up with this website, but I am just stumped on what to do.

I really don't know what to post, and being busy is not really helping my creative mind into thinking of what to post. I don't know if that makes sense at all... So. Yeah. 

I'm basically asking for some input. If you have any idea of what I should post here, just comment down below. If I don't have enough suggestions, I may just quit on "especial." At least until the summer. I hope you understand.

Also, I thought I'd share this photo that I took last month. I hope you enjoy!

Lots of Love,
Josephine Frances


  1. Hey Josephine!! I just read this, and I totally hear ya. I have kinda quit on my old blog in hopes of starting a new, better set up, and more organized one. I am actually done designing it, I just need to get caught up on a few things so I have time to publish regularly. Anyway, I've got to admit I really hope you don't quit on the blog, even if it's only until summer. I really enjoy reading your posts. And as a fellow health crazie, I LOVE trying the healthy recipes which you have posted in the past. I'm currently Paleo, due to some health issues which need clearing up. And I like eating low carb anyway. ;)
    So, to sum it up, ideas for posts could be.....recipes, daily life moments that inspired you, pictures, any random things that happen in your life are always good ideas. Cuz even if they seem like they would be weird, it's actually so much fun reading people's life moments. If you get what I mean. ;)) So yeah, that's about it. If you decide you still want to wait until summer I completely understand.
    Happy Blogging!!!! :)))

    --Emma Joy


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